Meet Our Tutors
Whole Heart Tutorial (WHT) classes are led every Tuesday by tutors who are experts in the subject they teach. We are grateful for the richness, life experience and passion our tutors bring to our community!
Donna Lewis
Mrs. Lewis, joy, energy, and a passion for grammar and writing
Middle School Grammar and Composition
Executive Function Strategies
Kathy Wood
Mrs. Kathy, beloved by all WHFM!
Truth Bible Drill
Brenda Schumacher
Mrs. Schumacher, Whole Heart mom alumnus, restorative Pilates instructor
High School Anatomy and Physiology
Allie Olsen
Mrs. O, 18-year HS veteran, mamma to 8, writer, curious soul
Middle School History
Middle School Literature (WHM)
Bryce Cain
Bryce Cain, teacher, musician, producer
Music for Worship & Performance
Joseph Bulgherini
Mr. Bulgherini is deaf and helps lead worship at the Deaf Church at Brentwood Baptist.
American Sign Language